Materials: Laminated hardwoods, Aluminum, 81mm mortar tail fins
Dimensions: 17 x 4 x 4 in (Base: 16 x 10 in)
These data sculptures were inspired by the technique for making Murano glass Rosetta beads, where different colors of glass are layered and then drawn out into a long cane (murrina). Initially, the layered details can be seen only at the ends where the glass cane is broken off but when manufacturing beads, such as the Chevron trade beads, the cane is shaped and tapered at the ends, which exposes the inner layers of glass in intricate & colorful patterns.
For the Octagraphs, layers of different hardwoods have been used to portray 8 years of global arms exports to developing nations. Each layer represents a country or region and each corner of the octagonal shape represents a particular year.
Octagraph I: Depicts eight years of arms exports to developing nations by the top 5 global suppliers.
Octagraph II: Depicts eight years of arms imports by the top 5 global recipients.
*All values are expressed as a percentage of the total

In order to depict the data most precisely, the ‘murrine’ for this sculpture were composed of glued strips of different color hardwoods, cut and laminated together in an exact pattern, one layer at a time. The ends of the wooden ‘murrine’ were then tapered in order to reveal the inner layers, in a manner similar to the original glass beads technique.

Data source: The Library of Congress, CRS Report "Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2004-2011”
© 2015 Constantine Zlatev